Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 8

today was a pretty good day! eventful!! we only had one class today because it is friday, (we only have one class on fridays). so, after our class, we had lunch, and then after to pick up trash on the side of the road! lol! no, really, this place does the adopt a highway stuff, so we get to go pick up the trash on that highway. it was voluntary, i didnt have to do it, but why not right? i have nothing better to do! (as it turned out, i actually had fun! lol) so, well, id say there was about 10 of us who went. it didnt take long either and we didnt have a really long strip to clean. so, we pile in the van, and off we go! in the very back are the lovely orange vests, and big ass bags! well, we pull up at our spot and we all pile out, put on the orange, and some rubber gloves. and THANK GOD for the rubber gloves becouse that shit was soooo gross! one guy found a dollar, to bad i didnt find that! lol! alisha had to pick up a freaking baby diaper, no telling how long it had been there, none of us wanted to get the diaper but she finally gave in and did it! yuk!

after we were done, we hopped in the van and they took us to get ice cream. since i cant eat ice cream, (lactose intolerant majorly) i got what was called an italian ice. it was pretty yummy!! back to the house we go. well, i found out that i got some mail today!! yay!!! a letter from natalie and a letter from hannah! i loved the letters so much! im gonna pin them to my bulletin board, when i get some tacks! and a package from billy! i didnt pack enough clothes so he packaged some up and sent them to me! yay! i still hate to have such a small amount of clothes to choose from! it really sux. later that evening, we had supper. huge crab legs!!! sooo good!!! and then next was bowling. that was fun! i havent bowled in forever! i thought i was gonna break a nail, speakin of, i need to go get them filled in this week. ok, so we got the bowling score thing ready, got us a ball, and got ready to play. ok, when it came my turn, go figure.....the dang thing messed up! the man had to come fix it! and not just the first time i stood up there did it break, but the first 3 times!! and only on me!!! go figure huh?

i was ready to go back to the house by the time we got done. i was plum tuckered out!! i think i fell asleep like 9ish! on a friday night too! (im writing this a day late by the way, i was way to tired last night to even attemp to type anything! ok, well ill ttyl!!


  1. Kim, so glad you got a letter from Natalie! I called Mona's phone today and talked to kids to wish them "Happy Birthday". Natalie was so happy she had talked to you today! Hope you still don't have fever! Talk to ya later. Luv ya, Mom P.S. What is your address

  2. Awww, highway cleaning? Doesn't sound like something you'd be doing ;-)... sounds like it was interesting! Too bad it wasn't in Louisiana, there's some stretches of highway there that REALLY need some attention sometimes!

    Thinking of you, as always, every day... love you...
