Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 3

Today was a pretty good day, exept one major thing, which u will find out about in a bit. Yoday started off normal, I got up, got ready, and went down for lunch....(cause i slept through breakfast) Lunch was good, then after that we were loading up in the big old van, (joy) and I ended up next to the back row of the seats. Ok, let me explaina bit about our driver, PoppY. I honestly dont know what his name is , but i think he is spanish and he is CRAZY ! Cusses like a sailor and hyper as a kids that ate an entire bag of chocolate candy! So, I get in the van, this is the first time to ride in the van so I dont really know what to expect. The guy in front of me says"have you ever ridden in the van when Poppy drives?"I said "no, why?"He said get ready for the rollar coaster ride!"The guy in fron tof me says "where are you from?" I said "Lousisana"He chuckled a bit and he said "that explains it!" And then another guy chuckled as well. I was like "my accent right?"he said that is what he ment. I laughed and said yeah I know, Yall are going to just have to get used to it! lol! He said, "no, I like to hear you talk. What?? my loud ass?" Please! I just had a parrot mock my laught the other week at the zoo! lol! but whatever, ok so Poppy starts to drive and when I say thought we had Jimmy Johnson as a driver, I mean it! OMG! Literally holding on to the oh shit handle cause when we turned the curves down and up the mountain, I felt I was stuck to the side of the door and window! And the roads are bumpy as hell!We were hauling ass and dodging cars!Barely missing parked cars on the side of the road! Where people learn to drive this way is beyond me, but crazy as he drove, he was really damn good at it! We drove for about an hour and a half to this museum we were going to. I saw a beautiful sight! The mountains were gorgeous and they were all around me! My ears started poppingas we headed up the mountain. So, Im looking out the window, I say its close to 70 degrees outside. We have the AC blowing in the van! but what do I see?? SNOW!How it has not melted yet is beyond me! I found it pretty cool, and I was trying to take pictures on the way but i kept falling all over the seat cause the roads.....I swear, u thought louisiana had bad roads! come test this out! u will c for yourself. I managed to get a few pics on my phone and some on my camera. I was losing signal bad at this time. So the next thing I happen to notice is that we were entering a town named florida. I found that strange,Florida, Ny. Hmmmm.., i just dont know about that. Thats like naming ur child with 2 first names like brian Jack, it just dosesnt make sense. we went threw a few more towns, and i see that we are entering Skenectady! Immediately I thought of my sister cause she loves the show Will and Grace, and if u are a big fan of that , you would know thats where Grace says she grew up. I always wondered where that was. Well, now I know! So, of course I had to text my sister and tell her!Next we passed a BEAUTIFUL lake and it was surrounded by mountains! So awsome!We finally reached our destination. The museum is on this little small town village street, it sort of resembled a street down the French Quarters (a good one) but a lot cleaner and no strippers and only one bar.

We get in the museum, and me Alisha start walking around, now keep in mind we know nothing about baseball. So...we are bored. We started having fun when we started taking pictures on the phone and with the camera. We really had some good laughs then!

We still had 45 mins until we had to be back, so, we went outside and walked the streets! There was about 50 bikers lined up and ready to go! They all started up at the same time and left! I had to watch! It was cool~! and loud! We didnt really see any store we want to go in, so we headed back down the other side of the street. Now I have to pee. great. So, we see a little resurant and I go in there to use the bathroom, and damn it if I didnt drop my NEW cell phone the toliet!!!So I reach in and quickly dry it off and start taking it apart. Broke my damn nail in the process trying to take the battery out!ugh! $250 down the drain!! or down the toliet fot that matter! and now i have no phone! Damn! and my nail hurts cause I broke it off into the quick. Now I gotta do something with that monday or tuesday when we take our walmart trip. I knew I should have brought my back up phone! Oh well... So, on the ride back, I looked at the scenery and read on my book,which is really interesting by the way. I was getting sleepy but there was absolutely no sleeping on that van! U tumble aroound in that thing like u were in a dryer! We get back, I walk into the game room and I was heading to the patio, then WHAM! I walked right into the screen doorknocking it down off the frame or whatever its called! We all got a good laugh out of that then here comes the director with a the breathalizer thing! lol! So, I blew in it and of course, it was zero, and he laughed and said, u really DID just walk threw a screen door sober as hell!" lol! I said yep! Now everyone here especially the directors have been giving me hell about it! tellin me they r gonna put a big red dot on the screen door so i wont run into it anymore! lol! so now that i have no phone the only way i can talk to Billy is threw facebook. He is going to mail me my spare phone so that will be good! tomorrow is easter and i dont have a way to call him or my kids! So, next we had supper, which was lasagna, and some was good. Then at 6:00 was movie time. On saturdays we have 6:00 mandatory movie time. We watch movies that are related to what we are either going threw or studing. Then I came upstairs and got on facebook. ...........I miss my kids and husband sooo much! :( I wasnt tired so I got up and went downstairs and next came tv, a salad, a sucker, some cappicino, and some water. That cappicino made me sick! I immediately started sweating and feeling sick and my stomach was rumbleing! Now im sitting high up in my bunk (I feel like im in a treehouse) and not sleepy! maybe the cappicino huh? Dont think ill be drinking that again! alright im gonna go to sleep! night!

1 comment:

  1. Oooooh Kim, we are SO genetically related! My cheeks hurt I'm laughing so hard! That is SO like something I would do! All of it - from the phone to the museum laughing to the screen door! I haven't dropped my phone in a toilet, though... I dropped mine in a RIVER. You would think I could've avoided that, eh?

    I wonder why they chose a baseball museum. Is it because they have so many guys there? I dunno. I would've been bored and I teach history!

    Cappuccino can be hard on your stomach - be careful! I had four when I was in Rome years and years ago - and I'm all thinking - I live in Washington - I drink espresso all the time. DOESN'T HELP! That stuff can be like battery acid!

    So anyway, just wanted to post a line and say hey. I'll be checking in tomorrow... and the next day... and the next day :-). Take it easy, girl, I love you!
