Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 16

well, i started the day off by falling off the ladder of my bunk bed. it was around 6:15am, Alisha got up and it woke me up, so i was going to get out of the bed, and off the top of the ladder i go! im suprised i didnt go straight threw this floor! lol! it is saturday, so i didnt go jogging this morning, it was raining as well. i got up, showered, got ready for the day, and went downstairs and read some of my book, Glass by Ellen Hopkins, on one of the couches down there. it didnt take long, and i was out.......took about an hour nap. after i got up, i felt a little better except for the headache i had. so i went down to the store to buy some more aleve. that did the trick for this headache. yay! i was pretty excited today becouse we were going to go to the mall. i didnt hardly have any spending money, but billy put some in my account for me! thank u so much baby! it took about 45 mins to get there, and we only had 2 hours....suxs because we didnt get to do near the looking around that we wanted. but we had so much fun tho! they had some really neat stores but i didnt get to go in half of them. there was 2 i really wanted to go in but we didnt have time. :(

i cant complain though, im just glad i got to go. we got 2 new guys today. they seem pretty cool i guess. we have one guy here that i just cant even stand to be around. he is always messed up on something and im not sure what it is, honestly i think its heroin he uses, but he is so annoying. i hope he gets caught soon.

we have a girl coming in tomorrow, her name is amanda, and we have one coming and her name is amanda also. gonna have to make up a nick name for one or something. this sort of sucks because me and alisha have gotten used to it being me and her in this room and we have kind of taken over the whole closet and desks and stuff. and we get along so good so it makes everything perfect! i just hope these 2 arent bitches. but 4 girls in one room?? this is not going to be fun. oh well. heck, u never know, we may end up having a blast! we have these lock boxes, and today me and alisha put all our stuff like wallet, camera, meds, i put my notebook with all my passwords and crap in there, i put some jewlery in there as well. and my big bag of tons of lipgloss that i carry everywhere with me! we dont know these girls so we are gonna play it safe. so, after we did that, i moved my stuff to her side of the closet so me and her can share a side and the other 2 amandas can share the other side of the closet. there are 2 desks in the room too. so me and her combined our stuff onto one desk as well. sooo, we will see how it goes tomorrow! we havent done to much today, we did have to watch The Pursuit of Happiness tonight. thats a really good movie, sad though. i think tomorrow if im not mistaken, we are gong to go to the movies again. that would be nice! but im not sure.

im so excited that it is only one week until billy gets to come up here! im not sure what all we are going to do when he gets here. i need to search on the internet for things for us to do. but i cant wait!!

i need to be working on my autobiography but i soooo dont feel like it right now! i may in just a little bit. i talked to natalie a little while ago, nathan said he would call me back becouse he was busy drawing pokemon. lol! oh! this was funny, tonight i asked our driver poppy, if he would take me to sunbeds this week, and he was like, where? so i said sunbeds, and a few turned and looked at me with this confused look on there face, and i said, u know, the tanning bed? then they knew what i ment! they thought it was funny i called it a sun bed! lol! i just found that humerous and thought id share that with u! lol

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