Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 5
(I skipped day 4 cause we did absolutly nothing)
Well, what can I say about today.... I'll start from the beginning....ok so, I wake up at like 6:30am with my throat swollen so bad i couldnt swallow, nor could i speak. I had to just man up and take it cause I had to cough to clear my throat. O M G! TALK ABOUT PAIN! It hurt so bad I cryed a little. I didnt have to be up until 8 cause class is at 9. I ended up getting out of bed at 7:00 cause i could not sleep at all. So, since I got up early, I had time to put on make up so thats what I did. I didnt have to wash my hair because I washed it before bed the night before. So I decided to put my hair into low pig tails. i liked it so i left it like that. so im trying to find something to wear, and realize I already need to wash all my pants i brought! I might see if they will let go to do some laundry down the block tomorrow. so i head downstairs to get a banana and well guess what? they r out! fuk! (i say in a whisper cause I cant talk dang it!) So I just hang out until 9:00 waiting on class to start. my class consists of me and 2 other guys. Our instructor is great! I really like her. we had a good class today. we talked about what are the first steps to take on finding happiness while being sober. It was a really good leasson. After class I came in and did a little homework, and then went to lunch. and we had pizza! yay! I had been craving pizza! Then I had another class, which I was chosen to read out loud. Talk about a voice killer! Each class I go to, adds a little bit of confidence each time that I can do this. after the 2nd class I had quite a bit of homework, alot of reading so I thought id go ahead and do it. I fell flat asleep while reading!
Supper was gross tonight. Fried fish filets. yuck. so i ate leftover pizza! today's activity was cornhole. what the hell is that? well, I passed on that activity today. we had a short seminar at 6pm today as well. we all watched tv, while some played beanbag toss. what cracked me up but shocked me is what i saw tonight. man, i dont know what he was on, but dang! he was so hyper he was literally about to start jumping on the couch. it was nuts! but funny too! see, today wasnt anything special but tomorrow we are going on an outing and I start gym tomorrow! so maybe ill have some tails for u! night!


  1. Yea, maybe nothing special but... you're still there and still doing it, yea? That's more than MILLIONS of people around the world can say, so... I'm thinking it's special. There's so many things I hadn't thought about before until you took this on and it's just fueling my brain. I am learning from you, although you might not know that... I am. Thank you, Kim... take care and sleep good :-) - luv u sista...

  2. awh! now im the teacher! lol! im glad im the gas to ur brain! love u too!
