Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 15
i got up this morning and the ground was all wet, yuck, but it wasnt raining. so i got dressed and ready to go jog. i could hear the wind howling outside, so i knew it was very windy. oh man, this is going to be a cold jog. i so wish i had brought me a beanie hat! (we are going to the mall tomorrow so im definately going to be looking for one to buy.) so i get ready and go out for my jog. it wasnt so bad after i got warmed up by jogging. it did start to sprinkle on me a bit, that wasnt so great. oh well. so, i got to the house, showered, and got ready for the day. i went downstairs at 9:00am. they were taking us to a laundry mat to wash clothes. well, i had washed all my dirty clothes yesterday at the laundry mat down the road from here. but i hitched a ride becouse there was a nail place right beside it and my nails desperately needed filling in! so, i got my nails done while a few guys did there laundry. and my nails look and feel soooo much better! yay! so we got back and lunch was going to be ready soon. and of course, its all fried crap, so i fix me a salad. im so glad there salad bar is great!! dont get me wrong, the food they cook here is VERY good but i didnt want anything fried, cause i wanna keep up the weight loss! :) after lunch i sat down on a couch to finish some of my homework. my class today was at 2pm. so i had about an hour and a half. well it wasnt 10 mins and i had fallen asleep. i slept till 10 mins before class started. class was good, we had a different teacher today becouse our regular one was on her way to vegas for the weekend! lucky her! so, after class, i was free to do whatever. i walked down to the convienent store and bought me a a 12 pack of diet pepsi and it started raining on me. yay. so, i sat down on the couch to watch tv, i freaking fell flat asleep again!! i dont get it, as long as im doing something im fine, but as soon as i sit out. i try so hard to fight it but i never win. i was falling asleep in seminar yesterday. i know the teacher saw me too. but she never said anything about it. we went bowling tonight and we had so much fun! of course, my first two balls i rolled i pulled my freaking butt muscle!! ???? crazy huh? and it hurts! :( u should see me walking up the stairs! ha! oh well. i told myself today that i was going to start on my autobiography tonight but im way to tired. i really need to start on it tomorrow.....
i found out that we are going to the mall tomorrow. yay! i dont really have money to spend at all, which sucks. oh well. im so tired. im gonna get some sleep. maybe tomorrow will be an exciting day! ttyl!

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