Monday, April 26, 2010

day 26
today started with the gym, which was great! then i just hung out for a trying to think if anything exciting happened today before 1:00pm.......welll, i read a book and fell asleep. i took about an hour nap. class was at 1. and after class, me and chris went out to fire pit.with our autobiographies to BURN! I was excited! we got out there and Chris got the fire started. took us a min becouse it was windy. i threw mine in and we let it burn for a second and then he tossed his in. we sat there and watched pretty much the whole thing burn down. it was great! what a releif that was! and it felt like a clean slate, one to create with nothing but happy memories with family and friends! and that reminds me, something about this town makes me feel so free, so none stressed, i absolutely love it up here! i know alot of the stress is leaving becouse im feeling better and sober, but something about it up here in this area makes me smile, and the weather is amazing too! i so know that one day eventually i WILL be leaving louisiana. after the burning of the autobiographys, i read some more and watch tv until 4:00 when we went to the gym. that was another amazing workout! we had supper, it was all fried so i fixed me a salad. i was sittn at the table with chris, lawerence, little mike, gene, and andy, and we were all talking about what is there to do tonight? there was a pool tourniment (i wasnt gonna do that), so i said that i felt like taking a shower and then lets watch a movie. chris said that sounds good so thats what we did. we watched good will hunting. i have not seen it in a long time, it was really good. next came playing on the computer and then to bed. so, ttyl!

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