Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 25
HI! sorry i have written in a while, Billy came up this weekend so we were busy having a great time! He got here friday afternoon. the boss, Dave, said it was ok for me to go out with him that night! yay! so me and Billy decided to go out to eat, so i start getting ready and trying to decide what i was gonna wear. i figured it out and then i put on my make up and fixed my hair. (speaking of hair, im really sick of mine, i wish it was thick and long. instead it thin and stringy, so if anyone is willing to trade hair...please let me know! lol) so, im ready and i tell him to come pick me up. he gets here an i show him around the house, and he meets a few people and after lots of hugs and kisses we are off to go eat! there are only a few places to eat in Amsterdam. i was thinking amsterdam would be bigger than it is, but it is a small town!) they have this resturant called The Raindancer and Ruby Tuesdays. we go to the raindancer and it was packed so we decide to just go to ruby tuesdays for supper. it was nice there and the food was good. we had lots to talk about so dinner was entertaining! next we went to Target and i picked up a thing or 2 that i needed. Walmart was the next stop we made. (i know its silly to go to walmart and target, but u gotta realize, there is absolutely nothing to do here) we tried to go see a movie but they already had started. now that i think of it, we could have gone bowling or something...oh well! after walmart he took me back to the house and hung out a little while, met some of the guys here, and we watched a little tv. he left around 11..., its weird having him come pick me up and then having to leave at a certain time! lol! i hung out around downstairs for a little and then went upstairs and went to bed. I got up at 6:30 saturday morning to get ready for the day. Billy came to pick me up at 9:00am, and we decided to go to Saratoga Springs. They have a really neat shopping strip on a street called Broadway. it was a beautiful sunny day so that was a big plus! we get there , and we look for a place on broadway for Billy to get something to eat. We found a little cafe, it was really cute place. He had breakfast and I had a cup of coffee. after that we started looking around and going into neat little shops. i loved this area of town! the street was just lined with beautiful tulips and in all different colors! tulips are my favorite flower too! and the trees were so colorful! i dont think we could have picked a better day to go to Broadway st. there was a park there too, filled with beautiful pink flowered trees, there was a pond in the middle. we sat there for a while just enjoying the weather and watching the ducks along with the tons of people flying kites. after that we walked around some more, went in and out of all these cool little shops. we were getting hungry, so we went down one of the side streets and found a little sushi place and ate there. it was ok, definately no Samari!! (i told billy samari is the first place i want to eat when i get hime!!) after that, we drove around the town, which was soo pretty and clean! all the houses were beautiful! we were looking for this automobile museum. turns out it was in this huge park that had a golf course with a track circleing the entire golf course. the auto museum was towards the back of the park. we parked and went inside. they had lots old gorgeous old corvettes on the bottom floor, and old race cars upstairs along with other old cars. i loved it but it could have been a little bigger. oh well, we still had a great time! then we headed back to the house. i had to be back at 6:15 for the seminar movie. he stayed and watched it with me. the movie was The Edge. it was pretty good, kind of long though. when the movie was done, we left and went to go eat at the raindancer. and OMG, i loved it! it was really good, and the atmosphere was awsome! i really wish that we had one in monroe. i really enjoyed the dinner. he took me back to the house, and hung out a bit, and back to his hotel he went. i really enjoyed that day, we had so much fun together, and the weather was perfect! the next morning, he came to eat breakfast with me, and then we watched a little tv, and then he had to go. it really sucked when he had to leave, but u have to think positive, its only 2 1/2 more weeks, time really has gone by faster than i thought it would here. i have really enjoyed it here even though being away from my kids and husband, ive learned alot, way more than i ever expected id learn here. and i have literally changed my way of thinking so much, about everything! that has been the biggest change for me. i never ever thought i could learn to change everything just by the way i think about things. this is one of the best programs i have EVER been through and I honestly think that this is a program that should be offered everywhere, hell, put it in middle schools so kids will maybe learn how to see the possitive in almost every situation and learn how to make good and positive choses in every situation, that way they wont start off with negative choses and spiral downward from there becouse that is exactly what will happen. maybe the program could lessen the number of future addicts. i still have alot more to learn in these next 2 weeks and im excited about that. i am ready to come home so much but, i also know that i need these next 2 and a half weeks of the program. so, .......there was my amazing weekend! im so glad he got to come up! im fixing to head off to a class right now so ill write later! bye! :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Sounds like yall had a blast! good! And I'm really glad that your enjoying it there and learning some good stuff! Very proud of ya Lamala! ;-)
