Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 19
Well, today was not as lovely as i had planned it to be. I got up and went to the gym this morning, which was a good workout, then i came back to the house and did the normal routine of showering and getting ready. I didnt have class until 2pm so...what to do. i sat around, had some fruit, did some homework, and i started getting tired, so i came up here to take a nap. well, alisha woke me up about an hour later and told me that my class got switched to 11am and my instructor was Matt instead of Jessica. (jess had gone to vegas this weekend with her husband on a buisness trip and there flight back was messed up so she did not make it in time). so i hope out of my treehouse and grab my diet pepsi, and go out onto the deck where we were having class. man it was bright. running outside in the sun from being inside in the semi-dark, napping, is a big shock to my eyes! ouch! lol! anyways, i crack open my pepsi and ohhh it was grrreat!! it was so cold it had ice in it! and i love that! thats like one of those things that i really like.....like cold feather pillows, and the feeling of a new pair of socks being worn for the first time. anyways, we had a pretty quick class today. and after that, i came back in, we ate lunch, and then i came back upsetairs and fell asleep again. and this time i slept for 2 hours. it was a GREAT sleep! i didnt move an inch while i was asleep! and i know this becouse when i woke up i still had a good bit of lip gloss on! crazy! but let me tell you about the dream i had! omg! its so funny! ok, i ws at moms, and it was easter. for some reason, we had someone who dressed up in a purple bunny suit, come hopping up my moms front yard. i was outsude, trying to shove mashed potatoes inside of balloons, which somehow i succeeded, and began to throw them at the rabbit!! what in the world?? i swear, i have the strangest dreams sometimes!
ok, so i talked to the kiddos last night, and i asked them what kind of party they want when i get home, and natalie said she wanted bath junkie, so im gonna call them tomorrow and get all the details for a party there. and nathan said he wanted a camping one at home. he wants to roast marshmellows over a fire, sleep outside in a tent and he wants billy to grill hamburgers and steak, and me to make tacos! lol! tacos at a camp out! but hey, if thats what he wants then we will do it! i gotta look into buying a big tent tho...and figureing out how many kids we can invite and stuff. ive thought of some ideas for the party, but im trying to come up with more, sort of unique ones.......so if anyone has any ideas please let me know!
well, i needed to wash clothes today, and alisha was going to go with me, and we were going to show the 2 new amandas where the laundry mat was and stuff. so, we gather all our laundry, and get ready to go, and we ask the director, and he says we cant! that wwe have to have a freaking shaperone go with us! wth??? and of course, there was no one available to go! its all becouse of the stupid idiots who are using, and ruining privialges for everyone! yes they are getting caught and thrown out, but they r making us be on lock down! this to me is bull shit! why not just test us everyday or something? so, now for the time being, we cant go anywhere without someone coming with us! ugh! that really gave me the red ass today. im gonna be even more pissed tomorrow if i cant get my laundry done, im not gonna wear sweaty clothes to the gym!! anyways, i need to get off that subject, its pissing me off again.
so, after supper we had seminar, and we had a small exercise to do. one part of it was to name ur favorite animal. so of course, i put elephant cause i LOVE them! well then u were suposed to write 3 things adjectives about the animal. so i put big, grey, and cute. well, that was suposed to represent how we see ourself. lol! well dang! i see me as an elephant??!! i mean, i knew i needed to lose some weight but dang! lol! i found it funny!! well............i still have not finished my autobiography. im going to try to finish it tomorrow. i just hate writing papers! uh well! im going to bed now! night!


  1. Hey Kim! I like the kids ideas for a party esp. Nathans. A campout what fun!! I got some good ideas for there party.....get some balloons and mashed potatoes and make mash potato balloons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL What a crazy dream!! Leave it up to you!! The animal game would be fun to do at the party too, for real! I can see kids loving that. Of coarse we know Natalie would put down a puppy. I didn't make it to the bank today but i promise i will tomorrow. Didn't feel very good today. Oh well whats new. Brittney's shower in Delhi is this Sunday and i didn't realize it till today. I don't know what i'm going to get her. Everything she wants big has to be ordered online. Oh well i'll think of something.(HeeHee sorry Britt!!) Bet your excited about Billy coming this weekend. Look out NY you ain't seen country yet!!!j/k Billy Well i'll talk to you later. Luv ya!!

  2. Omg... first of all the dream cracked me up! Mashed potatoes??? wtf? Hahahaha!!! And second... you should've named a mouse (a.k.a.- ME! lol) as ur fav animal! I laughed really hard at ur elephant answer. lol
