Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 10
i was worried i was going 2 be really sore today from the mountain climb yesterday or still sick with fever, but actally i felt really good! im glad that horrible fever went away, i sweated it out though last night! my pillow, sheets, and head was wet....ugh. so i got a shower and i felt better. went downstairs and realized its visitors brunch day so breakfast/lunch will be served at 10am and then supper is at 3:00. who the hell eats supper at 3:00pm. ?? so after we are done, me and alisha, walked down to the laundry mat to wash some clothes. its actaually not that bad going to a laundry mat cause u can get 5 loads going if u need to! saves alot of time but it does and her walked around outside some, went the the little river thing they have and watched the ducks. after a little walking and checking out the town that could b nice if people would at least paint there houses!that would be so much better! we went back and threw our stuff in the dryers. then i needed to go to the gas station to get some pepto, my stomach was hurting.well turns out the pepto didnt work! :( so we came to the house and i got on the computer and realized i needed a nap....i was really sleepy. now itsa around 1:30 at the point, and this would have been my 2nd nap of the day. (i forgot to mention i napped from like 10:15 - 11:00 downstairs on the couch on the game room) i dont know if its the getting up eatly or what, but i need a nap everyday. that doesnt mean i always get one though. so i climb up in my treehouse and sleep from 2 - 3. i get up , eat whatever it is that they call eating supper at three is. next is the movies. me and alisha are going to the movie by tyler perry, why did i get married too. we all pile up in the van and head for the theator. me and alisha were the only ones in our movie! oh heck yeah! so we get us some seats and get ready for the movie! a little through the movie, she said hey wait, look at those chairs over there! what in the world? so i looked and one side of the theator had big nice coushiony chairs, and the other side had these olittle hard ass chairs. and guess which ones we were sitting in
?? the little hard one! so of course we move over! and how in the world we did not notice that from the get go i have no clue! the chairs are way different and there is a big size difference in them as well. well, the movie was so good! i love all his movies though. but this one is worth seeing again! im definately gonna watch it with billy when i get home! it will prob be out on DVD by then. so we came im bored. so me and her decided to go get on the computer and i emailed her some pictures and then i played around on here a bit while she got on the computer in the other room. i didnt really go downstairs much this evening, becouse i had a chapter of homework i had to read which took me a good 45 mins. after that though i was in the mood to fix me some hot tea and hop on the couch and watch a good movie. but of course all the guys downstairs was watching something stupid. im gonna have to go to walmart and buy a few of those $5.00 movies to play on my computer or something. they dont even have good movies here. they are all guy movies. yuk. well, me and her end up going downstairs to get us something to eat becouse ya know, if u eat supper at 3 in the afternoon....your gonna be hungry later! thank god for left overs!! after that i came upstairs, washed my face, got in bed and man, i was tired. i text billy for a minute and then went to bed.


  1. I know you say you are bored, but.... the way you write - EVERYTHING is an adventure! Even just going to a movie theater! Take it easy, girl... how long have you been there, anyway? Just curious, I know it's 6 weeks long, but has it really only been 10 or so days? Dang, I wish I could come out for a visit weekend! Keep writing - I think you are developing a following on here ;-) - love ya much...

  2. hey! yep its really only been 10 days. seems like longer huh? but already in these 10 days i feel so much better, so much happier! and i do take all these events as adventures, because im happy, and im sober and learning this can be done sober, and im more happy doing it this way. i like writing about it, it helps my memory too, becouse my memory is bad, even sober, it is very hard for me to remember some things the next day. like there is a major difference when i write what happened that day right before i go to bed, and me writing what happened day after. but yes it does keep me busy. :)
