Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 18
today was a good day! and a refreshing one!! i went to the gym this morning and had a great workout! i am feeling so much better! (oh and babe, we are joining a gym when i get home and we are GOING! LOL, for real babe!) then we hung out around the house and talked and joked and watched some tv. later on, we went to the gym again. oh my goodness! im so tired from it all! but its great!! im feeling so much better, and im trying to get my energy back. im trying not to fall asleep during the day. ive gone from two naps a day to one nap a day. so, maybe its working. i went to sunbeds today as well. they have some awsome stand up beds! the tanning place sold the same lotions as the tanning place i go to in west monroe, but the lotion is outragiously priced here! a bottle of lotion that sells for 65 buck in west monroe sells for 165 bucks here! what the heck?? needless to say i did not buy lotion! lol! hopefully i will get to go at least almost everyday this week. ive lost my tan since ive been here! ugh! well, ive written a little on my autobiography, and its due thursday..........i need to get crackin!! im so ready to go home and see everyone!! and to be home in my house! i will say, this has been a big experience coming here. this place is a great place and the program is the best i have ever heard of for recovery. u meet so many people from all over the USA. off the top of my head lets see, we have someone from florida, massachusettes (i so cant spell that), california, kentucky, tennessee, virginia, idaho, virgin islands, long island, ohio............and i cant think of the rest....i think its really neat. im so ready to get home and live the new life im starting! i havent been this happy and positive in i dont know how long! anyways, im in bed, and im ready to go to sleep. tomorrow is going to be another great day! and ill let u know how it goes!!! night!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad u had a really good day this day!!! (i'm late on reading these cuz i get too damn tired to even get on the
