Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 6
well today was a good day, and a busy one. and some funny stuff happened too. .........................the morning started off good, i actually woke up before the alarm clock was set to go off. crazy huh? i have class at 9 and its 6:30am so i go ahead and shower and get ready for the day. had some breakfast and went to class. class was very interesting today. we talked alot about, well.....i guess i could almost call it common sense. i have found a few statements that i liked while doing todays homework and in class time. i personally like the the theory, or method or whatever you wanna call it that they teach. im gonna give u some examples, im gonna give u the statements i found i liked and if u stop and think about it, ull see what i mean about common sense............
1.sobriety or even moderating use of substances is dependant on your choice to abstain or moderate your drug and alcohol use. the truth is, alcohol and drugs have no power. they are inert substances, not living, breathing, supernatural entities. therefore nothing supernatural is needed to make the choice not to ingest them.
2.first and foremost, you are not powerless nor are you diseased. it takes thought, choice, and physical action to drink, shoot up, or smoke drugs. these things do not happen over your objection or out of your control. a bottle does not leap off the table and pour itself down your throat. a needle does not wrestle you to the ground and stick itself in your body. you have always known this. to the contrary, cancer is out of a person's control. a cancer victim does not decide (choose) to get a tumor one day and then decide (choose) to eliminate the tumor with equal ease on the next day. cancer is a disease. your problem is not even remotely "like cancer or diabetes". your problem is a behavior. behavior is a conscious choice.
3. alcoholism is not a disease. the act of drinking alcohol(or ingesting any other substance)is a conscious behavior. behavior is always voluntary. it is never involuntary. if the word alcoholism has any meaning at all, it describesa set of behaviors, certainly not a disease. behavior is self determined by choice. thus, if alcoholism (addiction) is a disease at all then it is the only disease where cure is by choice. in fact, choice is the only method by which people stop abusing substances.
ok, i know alot of it is pretty much the sme thing, but i liked those 3 and thought id share it with u. its saying we are not sick or diseased or bound to relapse causeu have a disease that will never go away. u chose to do it, now u can chose not to do it. its n ur power. the substance has no power. u have to be the one to say no and to make the right choice. and thats what they are helpin us with.
ok, soooo now we have lunch. and i notice as im throwing my tray away, that i have kitchen duty along with a guy named chris at supper! DAMN! im so not looking forward to this. i hope i can find some gloves. thats alot of freaking dishes. AND the bins the food is in (i think they are called bins, or maybe trays, i dont know....its those things that picadilly puts all there food at the buffet.) and there are 5 of those. and the silverware, (thank god we use throw away cups) and wipe down all the big tables and there are 6 of those. well dang.
anyways, class #2 comes up and i told the instructor that i was falling asleep while reading so i got some cappiccino to wake me up and it did the trick! but i told her that i cant handle cappiccino well but the warmness was really soothing to my throat, which is still sore by the way and i still sound like i swollowed a brillow pad. she asked me if i liked hot tea, and said u bet i do! love green tea with a little honey in it! she told me where it all was so i can make that instead. YAY!! i love hot green tea with honey! i would drink it everyday if i could!(dang, i wanna go downstairs and get some now....but ill wait till im done here.) so, ok....after class i go and sit at one of the tables. there was an instructor sitting there talking to some of the guys. i had just made some hot green tea, found the honey, put it in the tea, stirred it up, yummm! now i just have to let it cool down a bit because its steaming! i was sittin there talking with all of them, and i had scratched the back of my neck right when i sat down, about 10 mins later, i happen to reach back to rub my neck for a second and im like (thinking to myself), why does my neck feel sticky? ok, i didnt think nothing about it for a few mins, butthen i was like hmmmm.....so i reach back there again, and it was sticky, then i feel my hair right there by ur neck, the underneath part of ur hair, and OMG! and im saying this out loud without even thinking, OMG! i have honey all in my hair!! oh it was not just a tiny bit either, it was stuck sticky. only washing my whole head was gonna get this out! ugh! we are laughing our asses off by this time, so i go upstairs to put my hair in a ponytail, and look back there at it, and it didnt look that bad at all it was just sticky, so.....i left it. i didnt want to wash my hair again today. ok, now ive got my hair in a ponytail. problem solved. i go back downstairs and sit back down at the table. we all laughed, and i said my neck is all sticky too! and all this time, im wondering how i got the honey in my hair when i watched all of it go in my cup! someone said , dont go outside, the flys may come after u! then i said without even thinking, "a bee might come sting me!... oh wait, bees MAKE honey!" we all were laughing histerically. so after we finally quit laughing, i walk over and got a napkin and sat back down. with the water bottle that i had on the the table, i poured a little on the napkin to wash off the stickyness on the back of my neck. so im rubbing the honey off with the napkin, put the napkin down, felt the back of my neck, and the napkin had left little napkin wads on the back of my neck AND STUCK ALL IN MY HAIR WITH THE HONEY! so now i have napkin shit all in my hair! so im trying to pull the napkin stuff out and IT WONT COME OUT! i had to get the instructor to get it out! she barely could cause she was laughing so hard! but we finally got it out! geez! i mean wasnt the honey enough?? but napkin too? good lord! so....after that things calm down, watch a little tv, ok, now its supper time. damn. im really not wanting to wash all these dishes! ok, so we are eating lunch, ok, wait...let me back up for a second. we got a new guy today. and he looks like harry off of dumb and dumber. no lie. ok, with that said, i can continue. ok,im eating lunch and i happen to look over.....at the new guy, his back is towards me. and OMG, MAJOR ass crack showing! im talking like 8 inches of harry ass crack! i gag all the sudden and start laughing my ass off! the guy Dan that was sitting beside me was like, what the hell? what is it? by this time, im about to fall out of my chair. so i calm down and show him, and he was like wow....im done eating. omg, how does he not feel that half his ass is sticking out of his pants?? i mean really! well, now its time to do the dishes. i go get chris cause he is to do them with me. ok, let me just say.............this dishwasher they have here is crazy amazing! ok, u slide the trey of dishes in, pull on the leever thing, it shuts, the dishes r done in 2 mins!!! yes! 2 mins!! i so need one!! ok so we walk over to the big sink thing and the washer and it smells like a freaking dirty diaper!im gagging, and then touching other peoples dirty plates! not good! chris says he'll wash them if i put them up. sounds like a plan to me!! so it takes us about 30 mins to do all this and wipe down tables etc. ok, next is our seminar. its on self esteem. and we had to do a game where we write our name at the top of a clean sheet of paper, and pass it around to everyone and they write something possitive about u down. it was pretty cool. found out people like my southern accent....i knew it was bad but i guess it stands out alot up here. this is what i got back on my paper....
friendly and open
from louisiana
love the drawl
very polite person
great laugh
beautiful sense of humor
open for conversation
very friendly southern charm
she's here
very nice
1st out of the 2 females
very nice person
love the accent
good humor
nice accent
love the laugh
love the accent
beautiful person
so...........i thought that was nice! as u can tell, i think my accent won. but anyways, after that we went to walmart. now we are home. im fixing to go downstairs to find a snack! talk to u tomorrow!


  1. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Sweet honey issue there, Kim. I'm still trying to figure out how the hell you got honey on the BACK OF YOUR NECK...not on your hands, lips, chin, shirt, or any other common place to get food on. HAHAHA!! At least you can help other people there by entertaining them! heehee... It's funny how southern accents stand out to other people when it's so "normal" to us. I guess it's like how I love to listen to British people talk...

    Glad you're having a good time & learning some good stuff! Remember that I'm down here always supporting you and proud of ya! Love ya & miss ya bunches!

    p.s.- I'm almost finished painting the alphabet blocks for the nursery. They are gonna be so CUTE! Will send ya a pic when I'm finished!

  2. thanks mouse! i really do think i picked the right place to come, even tho its so far away, i love it and actually have not even had the desire to have a drink at all! its great! i cant wait to see the blocks!!!

  3. ROFL... and laughing... and laughing... they will be sad to see you go :-)... the positive sheet is cool - my favorite one, though, is "she's here." If you think about it - that's a HUGE positive thing to say - so many people never get that far! And the choices thing - WAY cool. It could be so easy to say it's a disease, instead of a choice... that it would take something supernatural to get rid of it... when it's really a choice. I'm learning so much from you. Thanks again for blogging. I REALLY can't wait to see you! Love you so much!

  4. Kim, First of all i want to know when did you become such a good writer? Your blogs are so funny and so detailed it's like we are right there with you!!!! Your stories are so good we can't wait till the next one!! I know this is real life but dang girl you tell them so well! LOL I'm so thrilled you are enjoying and learning from your clases. You were right about this sounded like the right place for you! I like the approach they use and it's all so true. We are all learning from you! Just think how many people you maybe influensing(sp wrong) with your blogs and knowledge. I'm so proud of you! We miss you but know your in the right place right now. Can't wait to her about tomorrow!!!!!!!!! Love MOM

  5. stacy - u like that huh? i mean, if its gonna happen, itss gonna happen to me! or im gonna do it, and the sad thing is, im not meaning to do it either! i like the choice thing too cause 1, it feel kind of crippleing or sad if u sit here and think, oh well i have this embarrassing disease, and im gonna have it for life, well thats just sad which therefore would make me sad and more of a chance i would relapse. and like i said, is really is ur choice, now yes those things do and will become to where ur body will have withdrawls if u dont have them, but once u push past that then u can climb out of this rut. u chose to drink, etc, now u chose to get out of it, u can chose the right choices. u can chose ur future, which to me, it makes me hopeful, and excited! and really glad about this and really want to! anyways, have a good day! i hope i do! i think im gonna go to the laundry mat today! this shoulf be fun!

    mom - thanks! i just right what goes on in my head, as if i was tryibg to tell the story to someone but also let them know what i was thinking at the same time it is happening. im glad yall enjoy them! i like writing them. i like to add the pictures too, im gonna try to add pictures to the one tonight. anyways, thanks bunches and i love and miss yall too!

  6. Aww Kim, I have never been more proud of you!!! You are so strong and I admire your free spirit and willing to learn. Alot of people (me included) would be grumpy and mad at the world for having to be there. But nooooo, you are the same Kim we all know and love who can make light out of any situation! I'm so glad you decided to do this blog thing. I agree with your mom, you are an excellent writer! It's amazing how we can get a visual and feel like we are right there with you. And I can just hear you laughing right now during your class....your laugh is so contagious!!! I'm sure everyone there is so glad you are there to help makes things more chipper! You may not realize it, but I'm sure hearing you laugh hasn't brightened other people's day.
    I so wish we could all fly up there and visit you!! Stay strong and know that many many many people are here praying and supporting you 100%! I love you mimmy!!!

  7. Yep, I agree with your mom. I think today's blog (or yesterday's, but I'm reading it today) is my favorite so far. Your blogs have now become part of my daily routine, so you better keep them up! Love ya cuz & I'm rooting for ya down here in Georgia. OK, I don't know why it says my name is Bill....it's really Ashley, I promise!

  8. omg ashley! lol! bill? thats just to funny! thanks leisa! i miss yall! and tell everyone hi for me! thanks for all the suport! dont worry ill keep writing! i enjoy it!
