Sunday, April 4, 2010

Day 2

Day 2
I woke up around 9:30 am. I didnt have a class until 2pm and it was only an orientation. So, we didnt do much of anything today. We have class 2 times a day mon-thurs and one class on fri. We can go to the gym everyday at 7am and 4pm. We dont have to go, its our choice. I dont think ill be making many of the 7 am gym runs. I woke up this morning not feeling good at all. My throat was hurting and my neck was hurting, along with my head. I missed lunch cause I wasnt hungry, I had a banana for breakfast, that was doing me just fine for the moment. About 12:30, me and Alisha went downstairs and split a tuna sandwich. I didnt feel like taking a shower, I really feel like shit, so I just pulled the baby powder in the hair trick, put on some make up and carried on with my day. Found out this evening we could sign up to go rock wall climbing, it took me a while but eventually I signed up. I also signed up for tomorrow, we are going to the baseball hall of fame museum. The only downfall is it is a 75 min drive, and we will be in a big van. Not comfortable im sure. But im going anyway! SAturdays and Sundays we do not have any classes, and both days u can have visitors. Anywho, back to my day. Me, Annie, and Alisha walk down a block to the convienient store. (Annie wanted a frozen cappicino) so I got to see some of the area around where we are staying. It was pretty neat to me, lots of old houses, but also not the cleanest part of town I assume either. But oh well, its all fine with me. We come back and soon it was time for my orientation. By then there were 2 other new guys. So it was 3 of us in orientation. We got our books, talked a little about the program and how their belief system is. In a nutshell....u dont have a disease, u have a choice, u have to make that choice and u have to learn how to make the right choice in the real world. they teach us how to say no to the monster that is always in the back of our head. To break away from the old lifestyle. We still have freedom here. Its not a boot camp. Honestly, think about it. How effective would it be to be in a place where u are told what to do all the time. Im sorry but id just be dying to go home and not complete that program. Their is a convienent store down the road we can go to,and they sell alcohol. now, every time we go to the store and come back they give us a breathalizer test if they suspect anything. but whats good about that is we need to learn to say no in the real world now. i need to learn to walk in a store and not wanna head straight for the alcohol. im getting that chance to learn that here. I think if u take a person and seclude them from anything that has to do with alcohol and when he is done with the program, u throw him back out in the real world, it is a bit tramatic. i promise u, he will relapse. we are learning to face it head on. anyway, so for the rest of the day we have to find things to do. Annie went to the laundry mat to wash her clothes and later she took a bike ride. Me and Alisha just hung out around the house doing not much of anything. Well, a little bit later, Annie has been called in to take a breathalizer test. I noticed she was gone a while. Come to find out she failed the test and got sent home. Just think, 12 grand down the drain!She tried to say it was because she uses listerine 3 times a day, and she swallows it too!Umm...who do u know rinses there mouth with listerene 3 times a day! i mean really!Come to find out someone here in the house saw her ride the bike down to a bar that is down the corner. I have not seen the bar but they say there is one. So anyway, she is gone. Now its just me and Alisha. 2 girls and like 15 guys. Kind of odd feeling. Oh well. I did hear there are quite a few leaveing this week cause they have completed the program. So, now im up here in my bed and my head is 2 inches from the damn ceiling sitting here typing away. I need to go to sleep but im craving something sweet, may go downstairs and see what i can find! good night!


  1. Hey Kim...

    I haven't been through a program like that for anything, but I can completely see what you mean about secluding someone away, denying them all contact with the real world, and then throwing them back in... maybe with crazy hard drug addiction or something, it might be different. There's so many physical things a person has to get through to kick that kind of addiction... But in your case and in that program, like you said, it ends up coming down to personal choice, personal commitment, and dedication. I want to say I'm proud that you're taking this step, but... that feels wrong for me. I ADMIRE YOU SO MUCH for what you're doing for you and for your family... I am truly, deeply honored to be your sister, and I love you SO very much. And most of all, I believe in you. You have strength in you that you've only begun to tap into... I wish I could fly out for a visitation weekend :-). Keep your chin up and your heart strong. You have the love and support of many, many people. I hope you have a good night... and I'll talk to you soon!

  2. i know i can do this, im happy im doing this, and im becoming all around happy in general, which is even better! i have the will power! i will do this!luv u!
