Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 17
Today was a pretty good day! it was one of those relaxing days, full of laughter, and lots of rest, and just down right relaxing to my brain. i went to the gym this morning instead of going to jog in the graveyard. i prefer going to the gym. i think i had alot better workout, (it was aolot harder too), than when i go jogging. so im gonna start going to the gym instead. and i can go twice a day. this morning at the gym, i worked out on this machine, and when i got off, omg i honestly had to try not to fall down! my knees were literally trying to buckle! thank goodness i made it to the little waiting area without falling down! when we get back at the house, i was gathering my stuff to take a shower, and someone is in my favorite bathroom showering! dang!! we have like 5 or 6 barthrooms but i have picked this one as my favorite. its cozy and its warmer than the other bathrooms. dang, this sux. oh well, i go into another bathroom to shower. and then i get ready and go downstrairs for brunch. on sundays we have brunch at 10:00 and supper at 3:00pm. most visitors come on sunday morning brunch to eat with whoever it is that they have come to visit. its always breakfast foods, and every sunday i eat the same things, eggs and fruit. i dont want the buscuits and gravy, bacon, sausage, pancakes, donuts, pastries, etc. after i ate i began to read on my book, which then made me sleepy. so i came up here to take a nap. and boy was it a good one! we didnt really have anything to do today, but i knew we were going to the movies around 4:00, so that was good. i started working on my autobiography. man, i have discovered that is going to take a while and it is going to be long! the more you write , the more stuff you think about that had been long forgotten! i got the childhood section done, for the most part. im glad i got that part out of the way. this week starting monday, we only have one class a day and that is at 2pm. so i will have alot of spare time before and after class......yay. it will give me time to finish this autobiography. i wrote my kids a letter, and me and alisha did some organizing to the room. we are getting a new girl today so we had to fix our stuff to make room for her and then the new one that is coming tomorrow, monday. so its tome to go to the movies. most of us went to see Death at a Funeral. it was pretty dang funny! after the movie, and back at the house, Dan comes up to me and tells me Dave is sending him home! what happen was, saturday, dan went to go play in a hockey game with his friends. the game was about 2 1/2 hours away. he didnt get back until this afternoon. he tested clean but he was not allowed to stay away overnight like he did. so, now it is just me and chris in our class.
well, we sat around for a while and just hung out, joking with each other and telling crazy stories. man, i heard some crazy sleep walking stories! i was rolling laughing! well, the new girl got here. and it looks like she really doesnt feel good. after she got all settled in, she went to sleep. hopefully she will feel better in the morning. we sat around and talked some more, and then me and alisha watched some desperate housewives! i so need to catch up on that show!! so, now im here, sittin in my treehouse , chattin it up on my blog! hopefully tomorrow will bw a good day too. im sure it will! ttyl!

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