Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 13

today started out good, it was cold, but good. i got up at 6:15am and was out the door by 6:30. oh my gosh was it cold out! there was frost all over the ground! i jogged, and then back at the house with the same old morning routine. morning class was good, ended about 15 mins early, but then i was to talk to the career guy or whatever they say he is, i forget....his name is Rit. he is awsome to talk to, he is one of those people that just make you feel comfortable and stuff. easy to open up to, which is good. he gave me this stuff to fill out that will help me find what im interested in, cause i really am not sure. in the next few days, we are going to have to write an autobiography of our life. but only all the negative, painful stuff that wont seem to go away, and u have to tell it all. if u no something that u think u shouldnt put down, thats what really needs to get out the most. no one will read the autobiography, not even the instructors. we are supost to get it all out, all the negative, on paper. we have a week to complete this. and when we do, we are going to take it out back and burn it. burn away all those horrible negative things that keep haunting us. kind of like a cleansing, we throw away our bad past. now, for the next week after that, we are going to learn how to create us a new, happy, possitive future. start all over. a new life pretty much. its gonna be hard to write and remember alot of stuff, but i can do it. im just ready to burn the damn thing and start with going forward. so, thats what next week is gonna be like. i sure hope this works as good as they say it does!! anyways, we had lunch, and then another class, and then supper a while after that. i kind of kept to myself today, stayed in my room alot. i was on the computer alot today, but i really didnt feel like going downstairs either. i should have becouse it cheers me up to be around people when i start to feel down, and sad. i miss my kids and billy so much. today it just stung i guess. oh! i did mail nathan and natalie a birthday card. i know its late but i couldnt get a hold of any cards until last night when we went to target. and speaking of target, i got the cutest sock monkey slippers! i found out not many people know what a sock monkey is here! one guy knew what the sock monkey was, but everyone else was like ....a what monkey?? sock?? i found it odd!

i also wrote the kids a letter today as well which im not going to mail until tomorrow so they will get mail on a seperate day from the card. i have natalie and hannahs letters to me pinned up on my bulletin board! i love to look at them!

we were getting ready to go to the albany river rats hockey game, ive never been to a hockey game before , so i was pretty excited! it takes an hour to get there, but the ride usually seems alot sooner than an hour becouse there are alot of people in the vehicle, makes the time pass by quicker. so, we get to the game, just in time. the game started 10 mins after we sat down. i brought my camera hopping to get some decent pictures to show nathan. anyways, the game was really fun, i thiink there was like 4 fights , one was pretty big!i thought it was funny that when the guys would run into the wall thing, they looked like a mosquito that got squashed by ur windshield! lol! the river rats won in the last minute and a half in the game!! it was awsome! we finally got home at almost 11:00pm, and i have part 1 and 2 of chapter 7 to read tonight. i think im gonna read part 1 tonight and part 2 in the morning...


  1. Hey Kim! Hope your days better today. Natalie's teacher called me yesterday and she wants to give Natalie a party Friday. So me and Brittney are going to bring cupcakes and drinks for both of their clases. Sheila wants to come too!! Plz send your address to me. I'm so mad at Josh right now i could bit nails!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. hey! im glad her teacher called u! and im glad that they are throwing partys for them! ill message u on facebook my address. tell britt to bring her camera to the party! (ill tell her as well) ill be home soon and ull get to see the kids more, it will be better then. :)

  3. Thinking bout choo, girl... enjoy the autobiography burning. I've read about that before and thought about it... but I've never done it. Guess I'm not willing to let go of my past yet, eh?

    Love you - take care...
