Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 21
i know i didnt write anything on yesterday........ill brief was a really boring day, until my girl alisha got kicked out! u heard me right! she drank the night before and i had no idea! :( they caught her and she is gone now! i hope she is ok, i miss her being here! :( im not going to go into detail, it just really sux that she is gone! but......what can u do? the other 2 amandas are still here! and i am enjoying there company. yesterday evening we went to the YMCA and i worked out while the guys swam. we had to leave the YMCA early cause we found out another guy got kicked out for smoking weed! what the heck?? the entire staff is beyond baffled at all this BS that is going on and they are totally stressed out. my teacher jessica said that this is just crazy cause its is never like this. she says normally MAYBE one person a month gets kicked out! so, for today, i spent all day (of my free time) finishing my autobiography. it turned out to be 24 pages! ugh! im sooo glad that is done! i also mailed my kiddos some pictures today as well! i hope they like them! we went to this place tonight about 40 mins away from here called Caffe Lena. it was an open mike type of thing and the people that played were awsome!! i loved it there and would enjoy going to a place like that every now and then! we dont have one in monroe, nor do we have the cool NY people to perform as well! the place that we went to was in like a downtown shopping area, alot like downtown new orleans but alot cleaner and cooler looking. i really enjoyed it there!
I banged up my knee tonight. I was running UP the stairs and fell! wth?? and my knee is probably gonna be colorful tomorrow! i sure hope not. good news about tomorrow though, my husband will be flying up here!! yay!! i know this is a boring blog, but i dont really have to much to say! hopefully i will have alot to write about this weekend and have lots of pictures to post on here for u all to see!! anyways, good night!!! ttyl!


  1. I'm sorry to hear about Alisha, but I'm glad you're getting along with the Amandas. Have a great weekend with Billy. I'm so proud of you for sticking this out and making the best of all they have to offer you. And 24 pages....WOW! That's some autobiography! Way to go, cuz!

    - Ashley (not Bill)

  2. Wow! I can't believe that many are gettin kicked out. And it sucks that ur friend was one of them. Hope they don't really put yall on "lock-down" after all that.
