Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 14
well, this morning was all backwards. im used to getting up, jogging, showering, then going to class. well, i got up at 6:15 like normal but i had some reading i had to do for class that i did not get done last night becouse we went to that hockey game. so, i read what i needed to, i knew i would not have time to run before class, so i just went downstairs to eat breakfast and kill some time. well it was about 8:15 by now, and i laid down on the couch right in front of my teachers office, (thats where we have our classes) and i was so tired. i fell fast asleep. so, 9am rolls around, time for class. the 2 guys in my class wake me up, and we start class. i have no idea why i am so dang tired! well i figured i was that morning becouse i did not get to take my jog that morning. so straight after class i left for my jog. i like jogging in the morning forst thing sooooo much better! (even tho its cold) well, that woke me up. i didnt have time to shower becouse i had some homework to due before 1:00, and we had lunch at 12. well, i was doing my homework on the couch and i was falling asleep again!! like eyes rolling back in my head asleep. i was glad when that class was over, i was going to go take a nap but i needed to do laundry, so i went to do that with alisha instead. she taught me how to bleach whites today. hush it, no i didnt know quite how to do it! but now i do! while the clothes were washing i went and mailed my kids some letters and we walked around this little ole town some. after laundry, i watched some tv and then we had supper. we had seminar today around 6:15 and we had the teacher who takes FOREVER. we had an exercise that we had to do, we had to go up to 5 different people and ask them what they truely thought about me. now, look, i did not like doing that at all. after it was over we started watching tv. i got tired and came up here. alisha followed soon after me, she walked in the computer room and the wall was covered in mosquitos! someone had left the window and the screen still in open in there........not good, needless to say me and her have our door shut, we dont want any stray mosquitoes flying around while we are in there. so, here i am, tired as hell. im gonna go to bed! nite!

1 comment:

  1. Sooo, seriously... would you email me or message what you truly think of me and I would return the favor? Just a thought - NO is always a perfectly good answer ;-). Who better to be honest then family, right?

    But if not... no worries - and no pressure... I miss you - I want to come see you SO bad!... missyoumissyoumissyou
