Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 11
well well well, what can i say about today, i started it off with a run of course, and for some reason i just did not do as good this time as i have been, im not sure what my deal was today. it was still a good run, and i always feel better after i do it. after my run, i find out that our administrator dave, the one who took us on the hike, got transferred to the executive house,(you know, the ones that roll in the escalade), becouse him and the head boss got in an arguement. i was pretty shocked. oh well. so i shower and get ready for class, and i eat a banana for breakfast, (and u know what i found out that i like? a cold banana, fresh out of the fridge!) and then i have some hot green tea. class went pretty good.........nothing major happened in it today tho. when class was over, i did my homework and then we had lunch, and for the life of me i cannot even remember what we had for lunch! oh well, not really important. so, after my 2nd class, i come upstairs for a while and play on the computer. (im telling u, it was a boring day) we watched tv, ate supper which was pizza. i didnt want pizza so i made me a salad. i took about 8 bites and started feeling naucious.............made it to the bathroom just in time!! i didnt over eat either, i dont know. so like 3 hours rolls by and im getting hungry so i grab me some yogurt and go to the tv room to watch some tv, halfway through that, i was feeling sick again, so i stopped eating that. so, as me and alisha are watching tv, we see one of the head workers start handing out drug tests to some of the guys, so we know they suspect something, but we are just curious as to and her didnt get tested. well, one of the guys here failed there test. he is so worried too becouse if he gets kicked out he says he is going to be on the streets. thats really sux. as of right now though im not sure what is going on but i guess ill find out in the morning. i know this blog was sort of boring, but so was my day. on a boring day, not much to write about, so that makes a boring blog. night!

1 comment:

  1. It's OK to have a boring day every so often. Hope you get to feeling better! Have you been well at all since you've been there?
