Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 28
today is actually day 29 for me but i didnt get to write about day 28 last night. i was to tired and im starting to not have enough hours in the day to get everything done! i usually go to bed at 12 or 12:30 at night, and wake up at 6am to go to the gym at 7am. and if i didnt go to the gym in the morning i wouldnt have enough energy to get me through the day. so im writing on early morning after the gym on day 29. what sucks about writing the next day is that i only remember like 60% of the day if i sit here and rack my brain over it. i dont like that either. so anyways, yesterday was ok i guess. i have 2 weeks left here and im excited! but im finding out i dont really know alot about me...and what i like. i dont have a hobby, and i dont do anything productive. i love photography and im gonna get more into that when i get home, and im gonna look for some sort of job as well. that will help occupy me time. there are other things i would like to do hobby wise, but i just dont know. plus it costs money and i dont know if id be any good at it. but hey, ill never know until i try right? hopefully i will soon.
well, yesterday i went to the gym twice, and omg are my arms sore from the weights! no pain no gain right?? i had class twice yesterday as well, and we had alot of homework to do. i got it done though. it took me a while, it was about finding out who you are and what type of person you want to be. that was hard for me becouse, who i want to be is simple, nice, caring, loving, laid back, happy, and to have a happy family! pretty simple right? but there has to be more than that, i know there is i just have to figure out what it is. and i could if i had more alone time here, its really hard to get a place alone to do homework , read and think. someone is always around or in the background. i could go outside on the bench in the yard and do all this but......not when we are expecting snow, right? so that option is ruled out. im gonna find a place today though. we had seminar yesterday too. i think it was on trust. good lord, i cant even remember what the seminar was on! ugh! either im forgetfull or my attention span is shot to hell! and i seriously dont think its my attention span. we got a new girl nichole yesterday. she is 20. she seems likie she will be cool, but i havent even known her for 24 hours yet. so we will see! we went to target yesterday, and i got some shampoo, and printed up some more pictures to send to the kids. i talked to nathan the other night and i told him that it was only 2 more weeks and i can come home! he was all excited and said mom!, 6 weeks really didnt take that long! lol! i miss those kiddos so much! ill see them soon though. after target, i sat in the tv room and chatted with a few people and then i went on upstairs and went to bed. i did some homework and i tried to read my book, im reading a book called the brain that fixes itself, (or trains itself...i cant quite remember.) i heard its a really good book and it has to do with all this BS, so i thought id read it. i havent gotten very far yet so i cant tell you much about it. well, im gonna go now. i have class in 15 mins. ttyl!


  1. Awww! That's too cute of nathan! He's such a sweetie...

  2. You know, I keep losing myself over and over again. Like you're saying - what do I want to be to everyone and to me - what do I want to do most with my time - no matter how hard I put it all together, it's all broken in the end. I do the opposite some, though, I pack myself with so much shit to do, I get none of it done.

    I envy you. I wish I had a program to go to for what's in my head and my heart. That'll be good to find some space to yourself, though. I'd kill for that lately ;-).

    I'd like to see you sometime - maybe I can come back this summer? I'll be in Houston at the end of June - I think - maybe we can meet up somehow? Anyways, I miss you. I wish we lived closer... I love you, sis.

    And Brittney, if you read this comment... I hope everything is going wonderfully for you - I love you much and would love to see the little family once there's actually 3 separate people ;-)

  3. stacy - thanks for the support! im really lucky to have given this opportunity to go threw this program. and for some people they a CE program that is 10 weeks long (continuing education) for ones that think they arent quiet ready yet by the 6 weeks. the program offers so much more than telling u "DO NOT DRINK, DO NOT DO DRUGS! U HAVE A DISEASE!" blah blah blah, let someone talk to me that way and see if i dont do it right in front of them on purpose ya know??!! lol! honestly i think this program or 80% of it needs to be put in middle schools. its an amazing program. anyways , id love to meet u in houston and us do some stuff for a few days or whatever! ive never been to houston, just like dallas and beaumont and stuff. anyway, maybe we can set it up, anyways, ttyl! love ya!
