Saturday, May 1, 2010

Day 32
Today is saturday. so, im gonna end up writing about friday. my friday was good. it started out with the gym, which that workout was ok, but i was getting a little tired and weakish....but i did fine. me and my classmate, chris, went to eat lunch with our instructor jessica. we went to this place called The Recovery. (ironic huh?) there are like 6 or 7 of these resturants in NY. they build their resturant right across from a hospital. its a sports bar and grill. it was really neat. they had anything that has to do with any sport. they had a nascar section with like half a racing car mounted somehow on the corner of the resturant. and underneath was like a mini arcade. and it also had a pool table and a basketball game, and a air hockey game too i think. my kiddos would have loved it! to bad i cant take them to it. oh well. the food was good. and it was a nice change to get out of the house and go eat. even though last weekend me and billy went to 2 resturants i still like the opprtunity to go out to eat. it was good, but The Raindancer that me and billy went to was way better! after that, jessica (out teacher) talked us into volunteering at the nursing home. and that ment going and playing cards or checkers or do arts and crafts or whatever with the old people. noticed i said she TALKED us into it.... well, when we got there is was pretty awkward. but as we sat down at a table to play uno with 3 of the old women it wasnt so bad. then this one old lady, man she was a character! she was telling us that she doesnt have a boyfriend becouse she needs a variety of men! lol! and that she could teach matt, (one of our young guy instructors) a thing or 2 when she takes him to her house! lol! and that she is gonna to teach him to shimmy shimmy! and that he needs to watch out becouse she likes sexy music! this lady was a nut! i ended up haveing alot more fun than i thought i would have. after that, we came to the house and i took a nap that i had been wanting since the moment i got up. it was great! then we had supper and then we headed out to go play mini putt putt and go drive go carts. it was all fun and stuff. to bad the go carts didnt go faster than they did. and putt putt was ok but there towards the end it just gets boring. i was ready to go home by 8:00, we left 30 minutes after that. when we got to the house, there was nothing to do. so i ate some soup, watched tv, hung out with some people, and then went to bed. it was a good day but not to much exciting happened. hopefully today will be a good day! we will see!

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