Sunday, May 9, 2010

Day 42 37 to 42. im slacking a bit huh? lol! I'm just so ready to come home! I've been sick these past few days. I'm so tired of being sick! I'm getting better now though. I went to the Urgent Care center here Friday and I have Broncidus and Sinusidous. They gave me an inhalor and the Z-pack. That Z-pack always does the trick!! The pollen level here right now they say is ridiculously high right now. Half the house is sick becouse of it. I really wish I had kept up with my writing becouse, as I've said before, I forget things way to easily. Well, I've been getting ready to leave, so I have been finishing up the program. Its about preparing to come home and what we are going to do with our future. Ive got some pretty good ideas of what im wanting to do. Just to brief you, it includes getting a job, joinging a gym, volunteering, and finding a hobby I really enjoy. And of course spending time with my family! (that one should be a given!) Im also going to have my kids a bday party. I was not there on their birthday so we are going to celebrate it when i get home!
Yesterday we went somewhere that I enjoyed. It was a historical museum in Albany. They had some neat things there. Lots of history in that area. There was a carousel at the top of the building that a few of us went to ride! It was pretty neat. I sure didnt wake up that morning expecting that later I would be riding on a carousel! lol! You never know what to expect day to day! I could have stayed longer at the museum but some of the others were ready to go outside and explore downtown by the college. I admit, I was too. The town was beautiful!! Lots of old, gorgeous buildings! There were lots of people out and about as well. There was a tulip festival going on as well so there was alot of people out going to that. The tulip festival is something they do every year for mothers day. We didnt go to the festival, it was really big and we didnt have to much time. It would have been lots of fun though. I got some really neat pictures while we were walking around though! We did get a really good laugh out of something we saw though. there was about 50 (mainly) men in red dresses and wigs running down the streets! they said it was for beer! Im sure they were already drunk! It was really funny to see. As we were walking back to the museum, it started to pour down rain. I loved every minute of it! One thing I noticed though, it was like all the sudden everyone that was walking down the street had magical umberellas! They just seemed to appear out of no where! Everyone had one! But the whole time we were walking down the streets, i didnt see a single person carrying an umberella, yet, when it starts to rain, POOF! everyone has umberellas! oh well! I enjoyed it! After our adventure in Albany, we came back to the house. We watched a movie and just hung out. I got some flowers sent to me from Billy! They were so pretty! They make our room look really nice! I didnt really do to much that night. I just relaxed and hung out with a few of the people here, had lots laughs! Some of them are really funny! Its good that I got a good laugh becouse I have been pretty sick and somewhat annoyed here these past few days. A few of the people here annoy the shit out of me. One of them annoys me before he even opens his damn mouth! ugh! Just 3 more days... As the days get closer, the more harder it seems to get becouse im so ready to go home, the days seem to drag out longer and longer! That is annoying too! and it makes me frustrated! But, hey, I need to just chill and quit thinking that way. Ill be home really soon. No need to let it make me feel tht way.
So, today, I woke up and started to get ready for church. After I was ready, I went downstairs to eat breakfast. I look outside and it is snowing!!! wow! Snow on mothers day! Who would have ever thought!! A group of us walked to church in the snow this morning. I have never walked to church in the snow and I really enjoyed it! Yes it was cold and windy but I loved it! I havent done much else today. I need to go do some laundry.........maybe i should get that out of the way! ok, ...ill ttyl!


  1. Kim i'm glad you went to that clinc so when you have your long flight home maybe you won't be so sick. That's really cool how it snowed on Mother's Day almost like it's saying your starting over on a clean slate!! Your kids aren't going to want to leave your sight!!heehee Well we will see you soon!

  2. Funny u said that about a clean slate, christy traylor said its like a great ending and new beginning at the same time. Thought that was pretty cool! im ready to come home too! nathan wanted a piece of clothing that had the Yankees on it, so I got him a shirt and shorts that match that are yankees but i cant find natalie anything yankees, but we are going to target tomorrow so im sure i will find something there! im ready to come home too! ive got plenty of things me and the kids are gonna do when i get home!
