Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day 34
first off, i just read yesterdays post and i said i was typing it on saturday and was writing about friday..........well i was wrong! lol! it was friday and i was talking about thursday! i dont know where i came up with that! today is sunday. ill start with yesterday...........i didnt go to the gym. i was thinking i was gonna give myself a break, and rest up and have a lazy day. and man was it lazy! i slept in, and then in a little bit, took a nap that was like 4 hours! im not so sure why i slept so much, but i just could not keep my eyes open. for the rest of the day, becouse i slept so long i was no good for anything, even conversation. i had the feeling of when you over sleep and you seem to drag around for the rest of the day with no energy. thats exactly how i was. while i was asleep, poppy banged on the door and woke me up wanting to know if i wanted to go to walmart with a few others. i said yes, not becouse i wanted to go to walmart, but becouse i wanted to go to the tanning beds which is beside walmart. i really like the tanning beds that they have there. it would be nice to have one of those of my own. haha! (i can dream) the tanning bed woke me up a good bit and i was feeling better. after walmart, sam needed to go to the cell phone store, (i dont know which company it was so im just calling it the cell phone store) we drove up and there were firetrucks and cop cars all in the parking lot. interesting! come to find out, someone set of f a little bomb in the bushes that cought them on fire. the cops were thinking of charging him with terrorism. (so they say) i dont know what came of that becouse we left. the rest of the day i was down again. everyone kept asking me if i was ok, and i was. just no energy or no care to have energy. as i said on facebook, i felt like a squashed banana. yuck. we had seminar at 6:15. movie night. we watched The Ultimate Gift. oh man , that movie was good! i have never heard of it before but man it was great! i cryed like a baby through half of it! so that movie really didnt help my squashed banana mood. i went straight upstairs and took a shower. after that, i just sort of hung around. i got on my computer, and looked for a new game to play on facebook. i found one called social city. i started to play that and i liked it! i used to play all kinds of the little games on facebook like farmville, fish world, like that. i havent played any of them in a while. so i thought id get on there and see what i could find! and i found one! lol! i played that, and then went to bed. the next thing i know, i wake up, at 3:30 am with my face in my pillow, i was drooling in my hair, my light was still on above my bed, and my computer was still on. how i slept that hard i do not know. i got up and came downstairs to get something to drink. our overnight guy, Paul, was here so i sat and talked to him while he folded towels. after i drank my diet pepsi and ate some macaroni, i went back to bed and i slept great!!


  1. damn girl... u sure are a pro at sleeping! lol. I'm preggo & don't really sleep that much... although i think i probably could if i would let myself...which i may wish i had once riley gets here... i'm so glad u'll be back by the time she comes!

  2. lol! i think i sleep alot here at times cause i get bored. im glad i get to be home when she is born too!!
