Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day 34 part 2

i thought id write a little about today so far. its 5 pm here and most everyone has gone bowling. i wanted to go but i feel to bad to do anything. sinus mess has kicked in again, and im so weak and sleepy, i had to sit out this one. i went to the gym this morning and had a good workout. i love getting up and going really early, it gives me energy and i feel so much better. next a few of us went to this Methodist church that is down the road. now, compared to the 2 churches at home that i really like (first west and life church), this one was a joke. there was no preaching what so ever, the song choices they chose to sing were just boring, not even a pretty tune to them. there was about 20 people in there including the 5 of us that were in there. but whatever. i did enjoy going though. well, the rest of the day i played on my computer and the worse and worse i felt. my throat started to hurt, along with my ears and my head. honestly i think there has been about only 10 days here that i have not been sick. maybe i will get better when i get home. so, here i am, just writing, cause i feel like it. hopefully i will feel better soon. i took some tylenol cold and flu stuff, but we will see! i have some homework to do tonight. i have to make a happiness list. we are supost to write down in catagories what does or would make us happy. absolutely anything. even like being a millionaire and stuff. so this should be pretty easy! lol! anyways, i just wanted to jot some things down! ttyl!

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