Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 44
well well well, the last full day is finally here. i cant believe it has gone this fast. well it really does seem like i have been here for 6 weeks once i think back on it. alot has happened during these past 6 weeks. i have met so many people for all over the country and i think that in itself is amazing! i love meeting new people, especially ones that are from other states or countries. alot of the people here have become good friends and im gonna miss them and all the laughs we all had! this is just a chapter in my life, hard, good, life changing (in so many ways), painful, and joyful. I could go on and on about this place and the things i have learned. i honestly think more people should experience what i have here, not just addicts. you learn so much about life, its incredible. i honest know that if i had not taken this chance that i was presented with, i would have never found how to have true happiness. long lasting happiness. God does know what he is doing, even if i have to fall to the bottom of the pit to realize it. and thats ok, becouse it could be worse. im blessed with so many friends and family that care and that is amazing. there are some here who have absolutely no one and no where to go when they leave here. they would give anything to have even just one person that was there for them, but they dont. that is just so sad! anyways, i have to say, as far as experiences go, that teach you and you learn from, this is right up there with school. you go to school to get an education, which is very important. but i came here and learned about life. about how amazing it can be, and i am the one who can make it that way. no other place, no other counciling sessions, or anything could ever come close to teaching me what i have learned here. im truely greatful!! thanks mom! probably the best money you ever spent!! (well on me anyways!)
ok, yesterday, it was sort of a slow day. i went to the gym twice, and i had a meeting with Rit, the career guy, but that only lasted about 20 minutes. so, nothing much went on with me. just sort of hung out all day. after supper, we played wiffle ball. it was pretty damn cold out there, probably in the upper 30's and it was windy. so we bundled up and went out to play. ive never played this game before, so.....i didnt know what to expect. we had 2 teams of 4 each. there is not a whole lot that goes into playing wiffle ball. i did pretty good. we had some amazing laughs playing that game! one guy, ok........ill breif u on him really quick....he probably never touched a football in his life, has to find the science in ANYTHING you say or do, thinks he knows everything, and is ANNOYING AS HELL! he is a big pussy is what he is! so.......he is in the field, the ball gets hit in his direction, and he JOGS to get the ball and as he is jogging, he buckles down and grabbed his calf, and says.....".oh! my leg! im out of the game! " OMG! really?? r you serious?? this was in the first 5 minutes of the game! so, whatever, he is out. we could not help but laugh the entire game over that. i mean come on! ok, then we have chris. he is the one who is in my classes with me. he is 20, and a very good guy. i know alot about him since we have class together and this guy has a heart of gold, very determined, and considerant. he is like my little brother. so anyways, he is kind of competative. he is real athletic and stuff, great at sports. so he thinks wiffle ball is gonna be a breeze. he struck out 3 times!! we laughed our ass off so much over that!! he was getting soooo frustated! it was really funny. gues it was one of those you had to be there moments. we had a blast! so we come inside, an dandy pulls the game out called cranium. ive never played it before but it was pretty dang fun! i would love to have that game but it would require at least 4 people to play......but it was a fun game. we started off with 4 teams of 2. nicole and dave, andy and chris, me a nd lawerence, and gene and jimmy. we played it that way for a bit and then we decided to make it 2 teams of 4 instead. nicole, gene, jimmy and dave verses me, lawerence, chris, and andy. this game involes, drawing, acting, sculpting with clay,& trivia. and probably more, i just dont remember them at the moment. needless to say we got a lot of laughs out of that game! im glad my last few days here have been fun. and it also passes the time by faster! and that means the faster i get to see my family!! yay! its early in the day so, ill write more tonight and probably in the airport before my flight. so ttyl!

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